Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm a slow pokie blogger...

One of these days I'll actually get the hang of blogging. lol I've started a new quilt. It's the Double Delight quilt from the Quiltville site. Bonnie comes up with some really fun things and this one is soooo up my alley! I've just finished piecing and trimming the first set of Square in a Square blocks. 120 of them! Getting ready to start step 2 which is another 120. haha!
I need to snap a few pictures of the things I've been busy with and post them up. So many pretty things! This has been a good year for me as far as finishes go. I hope to have another before June is up! The Red, White & Blue mystery from last summer has been on the frame for a few months now. I really need to get on the ball and get it done! I can do it!!!
School is almost done for the year and the kids are all excited. (Me too!) I love summer vacation! Stormy is coming to visit us again this summer. Yippie!! I need to get busy planning some fun things for us all to do.
Alrighty, back to work! =0)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

where has the time gone?!

Well, it's been almost FOREVER since I've blogged in here. I really need to get back at it. I don't seem to do much blogging when Jodi is home. I'll be back at it again soon though as he will be getting underweigh again. Everyone has been busy, I need to find some pictures to post of the kids and my quilty projects that I've been working on or have finished. (yes...actually finished! HAHA!) Hope everyone has been having a nice winter. I'm ready for spring! =0)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mini whole cloth quilt

This is a mini whole cloth quilt that I hand quilted a couple of years ago. Sad to say that I just got around to binding the sweet thing. I loved quilting this...I am sooooo ready to make a bed sized one now! =0)

Center Lone Star

This is the center lonestar that I've hand pieced for my Civil War Stars quilt. (wish I'd have held the camera straight. lol) It's 20.5" at this point. It will set center and on point in my quilt. It took ages to piece and match up all those sharp little intersections! lol As you can imagine. Each one of those little diamonds finish off at just three fouth's of an inch! :O Still working on all the little Ohio Stars that will surround it. I've finished 16 of those and they work up to just 4". hehe. The pattern is from a book by Judie Rothermel, "Reproduction Quilts From the Civil War Period". I love her fabrics!!! :D It's another quilt that's going to take forever...but for me it's all about the journey. :)

Laura & Camber

Here's a picture of Laura with one of her best friends Camber from Virginia. The picture is taken just outside of my sister Amy's home and Camber had just come to pick Laura up for a sleepover. =0)

Nutty Bookstore

Check out this crazy bookstore we found in Salem, MA while visiting the area! It was sooo cramped in there! The area you paid for your books was a space between stacks of books about 6 or 7 inches wide through which you would pass your money or credit card. hehe =0)

It's been a while!

Wow! I've not been in to blog about anything in a good long while. (Longer than I thought. oops)

Well, lets see...since mid-July things have gone fast and furious. We took a trip to up to Salem, MA with Rachael's friend Stormy. What a quick trip that was! Just two days. Lots of fun though! And then after Stormy went home we left to go on vacation to visit with family. This whole summer has gone by entirely too fast. While in VA, we took the kids to Busch Gardens and they got to spend some time with a few of their friends from their old schools then went down to Lake Gaston in NC to play around for several days at a campground that my parents have a membership to. That was a lot of fun! :) There was swimming pretty much everyday and fishing and smores! Yummy! and grandma took the kids out on the lake in thier little boat. I wish we'd have had more time to spend with my dad. Poor grandpa, didn't get to spend much time there because he had to work still. :( We also spent some time with Jodi's family. His mom, cousin Heather and Heather's two boys, Colin and Cadin and the kids and I went for a day trip to the beach. Beautiful day! But man! Was the water cold!!! brrrrrr..... Once we were home again it was a mad dash to make sure everyone had their physicals and school supplies ready to start another year.

Rachael is a sophmore this year, Laura's in the 7th grade and Mathew, in the 4th. So we are still dealing with 3 different schools at once. That won't change for another year still. lol Mathew and Laura are playing fall ball. Baseball for Matt and fast pitched softball for Laura. I'm hoping that Rachael will find something that she's interested in and get involved with something soon.

Jodi is on his way home now. :) They've had a loooonnngg summer away. Took a trip down the east coast, through the Panama Canal and up the west coast all the way to Alaska and then back. They should all be home in about a week and a half! Yea! :) Okay, I'll end this here and see if I can get some pictures posted now. Hope everyone is enjoying the fall! =0)